The Bird’s Word Blog
Will You Commit to the Earth this Earth Day?
April 17, 2014
At Journeys, we take the well-being of our planet very seriously. Read on to learn how we’re honoring the 44th annual Earth Day.
It’s that time again… that time when we think about how we can lessen our impact on the environment, and of course, honor the incredible planet we call home. As Journeys has its roots in the very first Earthy Day in 1970, it’s a pretty big deal in our office — as it should be for everyone around the world.
To celebrate, the Journeys staff has made individual Earth-friendly commitments. Have a look at them below, and feel free to steal some ideas for yourself…
Robin, President: Learn to compost.
Florine, Client Services Director: Use less water and less paper.
Tom, Graphic Designer: Bike to work once a week.
Kerina, Asia Specialist: Go paperless and plant a tree.
Lené, Latin America & Pacific Specialist: Consciously recycle and re-purpose product packaging.
Kirsten, Africa & Europe Specialist: Bike to work once a week.
Gail, Client Services Specialist: Continue composting — and teach Robin to compost.
Katina, Marketing Associate: Promote Earth Day through social media, consciously recycle, and use less water.
Leave a comment below and tell us what YOU are doing to honor the Earth and reduce your carbon footprint. Want to be an example for us all? E-mail us a photo of you doing something good for the planet and we’ll feature you on our Facebook page, as well as in next week’s e-news. Send the photo to:
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