Journeys International President Robin Weber Pollak tells us what to expect from the company in April.

Earth Day is coming up, on Tuesday, April 22, and we’re getting in gear now!

Some of you know that Will & Joan Weber, our founders (and my parents), helped plan the celebration of the very first Earth Day in 1970 while they were students at the University of Wisconsin.* Not only did the experience help to inspire the creation of Journeys International, but it’s actually how the two of them met. Truly, Journeys (and I) would not exist without Earth Day.

To pay tribute to our roots in Earth Day, Journeys will celebrate throughout the month of April. This list is just a teaser for what you can expect to hear about from us this month:

  • Commitments by our Ann Arbor staff to honor the earth in creative ways.
  • Ideas for how you can bring the spirit of conservation into your life year-round – not just with grand gestures.
  • Suggestions of trips that make a particular contribution to conservation.
  • Kick-off for a year-long initiative to formalize our sustainability policies, both for our trips and for our office operations.
  • Matching campaign for donations to our Earth Preservation Fund during the month of April. On April 22, you will have the chance to vote on a conservation project in one of our destinations to receive the amount raised.
  • Opportunities for you to join the conversation, here on our blog and on Facebook, about how Journeys and our travelers can honor the spirit of Earth Day.

We hope you’ll join us in honoring the earth this month – and beyond.

*P.S. If you want to know more about how Journeys was started, check out this video from our 35th Anniversary Jamboree.